An Iowa judge ruled that the state can challenge ballots from over 2,000 voters who previously identified as noncitizens, a move that voting advocates argue may disenfranchise naturalized citizens.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate identified these registrants and directed that their ballots be placed in provisional envelopes for later review.
The ACLU, representing four naturalized citizens and a Latino civil rights group, filed a lawsuit against this challenge, claiming it violated their 14th Amendment rights.
However, Judge Stephen Locher ruled in favor of Pate, stating that only a small percentage of those listed are eligible voters.
Pate hailed the ruling as a victory for election integrity, while the ACLU expressed disappointment but noted that the lawsuit prompted Pate to modify his initial approach regarding provisional ballots.
The League of United American Citizens of Iowa warned voters to be prepared to prove their citizenship at the polls and committed to continuing the fight for equal voting rights.